Harddisk Search & Stats
2011. 7. 19. 23:04
Harddisk Search & Stats
Version: 2.2
November 05, 2005
Short description: Freeware Search Engine for your harddisk
Supported platforms: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP
License: Freeware for personal and coporate use
Release date: November 05, 2005
Created by:,
Home page:
*** Package contents ***
Files included in this package:
* HDSearchAndStats.exe (the Harddisk Search & Stats program)
* tbSettings.BLB, tbSettings.DAT, tbSettings.IDX (program database)
* Readme.txt (this file)
The Harddisk Search & Stats manual can be downloaded separately from
just copy the manual in the HDSearchAndStats folder.
*** What is Harddisk Search & Stats? ***
Harddisk Search & Stats is a very powerful Search Engine for your harddisk and is totally free for commercial and non-commercial use. It enables you to conveniently search large numbers of text/ascii-based files simultaneously (such as: .txt, .html, .ini, .php, .mbx, .pas, .bas, .c, .cpp files). Harddisk Search & Stats is ideal for anybody handling text files, such as programmers, web developers, computer professionals, system managers and other demanding users.
An advantage of Harddisk Search & Stats is that - unlike most other search engines - it does not perform any time-consuming indexing of your harddisk. It can directly search text-based files in all levels of a folder (recursive), or just one level, or your entire harddisk. Harddisk Search & Stats Search can search inside files, and search for files (using the file name) or combine both methods.
When searching inside files, you can specify as many search terms you want, and there is no limit to the number of file types you can add for searching. For each search-term entered, the program will display an additional column in the search results.
Double clicking on a file in the search result will open the internal or an external viewer. Clicking on a column header will sort the search results according to that column. Clicking again on the same column will reverse-sort the list.
More features:
- search files according to file type
- search files according to filename
- search using wildcards
- search files according to file date
- search files according to file size
- sort and reverse-sort the search-result list according to:
- file location
- file name
- file type
- file size
- file date
- occurrence of each search term
- import file types from a folder
- view/search individual files with the internal or an external viewer
- zero-installation, easy uninstallation
- the program does not write anything into the registry
- the program runs directly from CD-Rom
*** Installing Harddisk Search & Stats ***
Simply copy the files into a directory of your choice on your hard-disk.
Then double-click on HDSearchAndStats.exe to run it.
*** MANUAL ***
You can access the manual through
If the manual is not yet installed, the program will ask whether or not you want to download the manual. After you click 'yes', your Webbrowser will be started to go to the page where you can download the manual.
You can access the online manual through
menu/help/online manual
The downloadable version: the Harddisk Search & Stats manual can be downloaded separately from
just copy the manual in the HDSearchAndStats folder.
Online version of the Harddisk Search & Stats manual can be found here:
About the manual:
The downloadable manual has been created using TreePad Business Edition, and TreePad's exe-eBook Creator. See:
The the online version is created using TreePad Business Edition. See:
*** License, distrubition and usage ***
Harddisk Search & Stats user-license
Harddisk Search & Stats is a freeware program, can be used without any limitations for personal and corporate use.
Harddisk Search & Stats distribution license
It is not allowed to change this package (the zip file). The Harddisk Search & Stats zip package can be distributed freely on download Websites and CD-Roms. If you want to include Harddisk Search & Stats on a shareware/freeware CD-Rom, this is allowed, but you can not charge any money for the program itself, because it is freeware.